Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spelling 4 Week 5

Dear all,

We had Spelling 4 today. This is the order of the words I read out in class.
  1. robbers
  2. morning
  3. you
  4. scary
  5. hairy
  6. bear
  7. frightened
  8. they
  9. money
  10. brave
Hope the above helps for those who need to do corrections in their Spelling book. For corrections, you just need to write the correct word on the left-hand side of the book once. Write the word 'Corrections' at the top and write down the number of the word you spelt wrongly in the margin.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Assembly talk on bullying

Dear all

Here is a picture taken during the last assembly talk we had on Wednesday in the school hall.

Miss Sng, the school counsellor, shared about what a bully does, when does a bully strike, what to do if you are attacked by a bully and how to prevent yourself from being attacked by bullies. Remember kids, bullying is not acceptable. Treat other people the way you would want them to treat you.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Number bonds resources

Hi everyone

I have included 3 links on the right for you to check out. For your convenience, I have also included them below.
Simply key in the answer and it will check whether your answer is correct or wrong. You can do number bonds for 5, 10 and 100 on this website.
Two websites for parents on helping their children begin to add.

Hope you have fun checking them out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Number bonds

Dear all
We did worksheets and practice from the workbook today on number bonds in class. For those who would like more practice on this topic, I will post up some resources on this website soon.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Dear parents

I have included in the links on the right a website to allow your children to practise their handwriting. It contains handwriting worksheets.
Type in the words you would like your child to practise writing. Print out the worksheet and have them try it at home.
For beginning writers, choose 'traceable letters on each line'. For intermediate writers, choose 'traceable letters in first line'.

Hope you find it useful.

Spelling 3 Week 4

Hi all,

For the previous 2 weeks' Spelling, I have been reading the words in the order they appear in the Spelling List. However, from this week onwards, I will jumble up the order when reading. I will post up on this blog the Spelling that I read out so that parents can help their children to do their Spelling corrections at home.

Spelling 3
1. trees
2. train
3. mountains
4. people
5. house
6. bridge
7. crane
8. seas
9. flowers
10. over

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fitness Friday

STELLAR website

Dear all,

I have included a link on the right to MOE's STELLAR website. It would be useful to parents who would like to know more about what your child is learning for English in the classroom.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mrs Wishy Washy

Hi all,

We had Music class today. I am proud of many of you who are able to sing the Recess song very well, 'If we hold on together'. For those who are still not sure, do visit the EDP Music blog, which I have included in the links on the right, for a video clip of the song and the lyrics.

We are currently reading the Big Book 'Mrs Wishy Washy' in class. I have also included some links related to the book on the right. Hope that you would find the links useful.

Abbreviations used in timetable

Hi all,

Some of you may have difficulty understanding the abbreviations used in the class timetable. For the benefit of everyone, I am including here the list of abbreviations and their long forms.

MT - Mother Tongue
CME - Civics and Moral Education
SOCIAL - Social Studies
EL - English
PE - Physical Education
ASSEM - Assembly
CLASSCT - Class interaction time
FF - Fitness Friday
HE - Health Education

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Animal sounds

Dear parents,

We learnt about animal sounds in the first English unit, The Farm Concert. I have added in the links section on the right, 2 websites if you would like to expose your child to more animal sounds and to emphasise on those that they have learnt.

Hope you find it useful.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Classroom seating

There were slight changes made to the seating arrangement today, which I hope will accomodate the students' needs better. It looks like many of you are happy with your new buddies. Remember to behave yourselves, or else... :)

We have started on the topic of Number Bonds for Maths today. Some of you are familiar with it and for the rest, not to worry, I will go through it thoroughly with you.

More pictures from your second day of computer class today.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Photo-taking session

Hi all,

The Primary 1 students had their photos taken today for their Ez-link cards. Here are some of your classmates either getting ready to have their photos taken or in the midst of the photo-taking.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010


Dear parents

The students were given homework today in their Maths Workbook on pages 19-24. Do remember to complete it and hand it in on Monday. Do any corrections that you may have first.

They have also been given the Farm Concert learning sheets for parents to sign and to finish up their corrections in it. Please also bring this back on Monday.

I hope the homework is not too much!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

STELLAR Shared Book Approach

Dear everyone

Here are the students about to enjoy reading together using the STELLAR Shared book Approach, whereby students sit on the floor and read a Big Book together with me. After that, students complete tasks in worksheets related to the book.
You will be bringing the first unit home soon for your parents to sign on the cover sheet.
May all of us continue to enjoy reading the Big Books together!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wear school uniform on 18 Jan

Dear parents

Please ensure that your child comes to school in the school uniform on Monday, 18 January 2010 as there will be a photo-taking session on that day for EZ-link cards. There will be no PE lesson on that day so students need not bring along their PE attire. All students must be in their shirts and shorts for boys and blouses and skirts for girls.


Hi all

The students have been asked to bring small whiteboards to school. We have been using them during Maths. Look at how much fun your classmates have when using the whiteboards to answer questions. For those who don't have one yet, get one from the school bookshop now!

Silent reading

Hi everyone!

The students have been doing their silent reading before school every morning from 7.15 to 7.35am. I have noticed that some of you have been diligently bringing interesting storybooks to read.

However, there are some who are still not bringing books to read during silent reading time. Some of you take out textbooks to read. Some of you even refuse to take out your storybook to read because you have already read it and are bored of it. For these students, I hope that you can find more interesting storybooks to read in school. The picture below shows the students during silent reading this morning.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Computer lab lesson

Hi all

We had our first computer lab lesson today. The IT trainers, Miss Aida and Mrs Soh, taught the students about the various parts of the computer and how to log in to the system. A new trick that was taught was using the two fingers on the left hand to press the control and alternate buttons, while pressing the delete button with one finger on the right hand to log in.

Many of you were able to do this well, so keep it up! Students were also taught how to shut down their computers.
Students will be learning touch-typing skills.

I am confident that we'll have more fun and engaging lessons at the computer lab this term!

Monday, January 11, 2010

First spelling test

Hi all,

Today we had our very first Spelling test. Students were taught how to draw the lines for the day, date and title. They wrote the Spelling on the page on the right because the left side will be used for corrections, if any.

I can see that most of you were confident and performed well in the Spelling. However, there was a small number who were still a bit shaky and need to practise learning their Spelling at home. Those who got full marks, Congratulations to you. You would have recieved a sticker in your book. Those who did not, don't be disheartened. You will have plenty of opportunities in the coming weeks to excel in your Spelling.

Looking forward to more perfect Spellings!

P.S. Exciting prizes await those who get the most number of stickers each term!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Classroom decoration

Dear parents and students
The classroom decoration today was a big success!
I would like to say a big 'Thank You' to all the parents and students who came to help me with the classroom decorations today. All of you have been a great help.
Thanks once again!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Classroom decoration

Hi Parents,
Hope to see you tomorrow for the classroom decoration from 9 - 11am!

Student particulars

Dear parents

Your child would have brought back a form for you to fill in his particulars today. This form has been prepared by the school office and is for their record purposes.

The Pupil's Profile Form that your child brought back on Tuesday for you to fill in was prepared by me. I needed to find out more about your child using that prior form. Thanks to the parents who have filled in and returned to me the previous form.

Thanks in advance for filling up the student particulars form issued by the school office. I hope that this will clear up any confusion you may have regarding filling in your child's particulars twice.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Breakfast in class

Hi boys and girls,
Here are photos taken of you while you had recess in class on Wednesday. Looks like many of you enjoyed the snacks provided.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to EDP Class 1G 2010!

Dear students

Welcome to Endeavour Primary School. I, Mrs Khan, will be your form teacher. I hope you will enjoy learning with me as much as I will enjoy teaching you. May we have a fruitful year ahead.