Thursday, February 25, 2010

Rainbow Day 1

Dear all,

The school celebrated Rainbow Day 1 yesterday. How wonderful everyone looked coming to school in their going-out clothes. We enjoyed ourselves at the Rainbow Day concert watching the energetic performances put up by students from P3, P5 and P6. Every class will get to perform on stage at least once a year. I'm sure we all can't wait for our turn to perform.
We also had a special performance put up by our guests from the School of the Deaf. It was an enriching experience for the students as they learnt that we can't clap for them because they can't hear. Instead, we waved our hands in the air to show our appreciation.
We would also like to wish Mr Chia, our principal, a very happy birthday as it was his birthday yesterday.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Spelling 6 Week 8

Hi all,

Here is the order of words I read out for spelling today.

1. caterpillar
2. back
3. gone
4. rose
5. see
6. garden
7. cat
8. red
9. home
10. bird

Thank you for ensuring your child does his/her corrections when he/she recieves the book back tomorrow.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Choice of books for silent reading

Dear students,

Some of you are still not bringing the correct books to school for silent reading in the morning. Please remember that from Monday to Wednesday, bring books written in English. On Thursday and Friday, bring books written in your Mother Tongue (Chinese / Malay) to read during silent reading.

I also notice that some of you are not engrossed in reading your books in the morning. Some of you would rather look around than read your books. I hope that you can bring very interesting books to read so that you would be lost in the wonderful world of books until the flag-raising ceremony.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome back!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back from the Chinese New Year break. Let's start the year of the tiger with renewed vigour to achieve the best that we can be, both in academics and in our daily life.

Have a wonderful year ahead.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese New Year celebrations in school

Dear everyone,

Below are the colourful pictures of today's event. The children had a tremendous amount of fun at the concert, with the lion dance being the highlight of the show. They also learnt about Total Defence day through video clips and a drama. The Chinese dance was spectacular, with a change of costume colours in the blink of an eye. Even Malay teachers sang on stage to Chinese New Year songs. The children had fun singing along and dancing to the songs they learnt during their Music classes. We also exchanged mandarin oranges and I am very happy to see that all the students brought their mandarin oranges. Since the children were so beautifully dressed, we also took some opportunities to take pictures in class. Overall, it was a fun day for all.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my Chinese students a very Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai. And happy holidays to the rest.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chinese New Year classroom decoration

Hi everyone,

Chinese New Year is approaching soon. The classrooms in EDP have been decorated for Chinese New Year as there is a classroom decorating competition going on. A big thank you to all the parents who helped their children to bring Chinese New Year decorations to class. Below are pictures of the decorations put up in the classroom.

Boys and girls, remember to wear your traditional costumes to school tomorrow. I hope we will have lots of fun celebrating Chinese New Year in school with your grandparents tomorrow.
Also, don't forget to bring two mandarin oranges as we will exchange them with one another in class. This is a tradition of Chinese New Year.
Watch out for pictures of tomorrow's event on this blog!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Assembly talk on self and social awareness

Dear everyone,

We had an assembly talk today on self and social awareness. The students learnt how to manage their own emotions. They also learnt about how to interact positively with others around them so as to create a better environment for everyone.

Students listening attentively to the presenter

Presenting about self awareness

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Endeavour Space Shuttle

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) based in the United States of America launched a space shuttle named Endeavour yesterday. May it carry the name of our school high up in outer space!

You can watch a video of the launch by clicking on the link below.

Let's reach for the stars!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Spelling 5 Week 6

Dear all,

The following was the order of the spelling words I read out today:

1) teachers
2) canteen
3) hall
4) classroom
5) library
6) study
7) friends
8) subjects
9) recess
10) classmates

Thanks to the parents who ensure that your children do their corrections and get their books signed on time.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chinese New Year and Total Defence day songs

Dear students,

Chinese New Year and Total Defence day will be celebrated in the school on 12 February 2010. I'm sure all of you are excited and looking forward to that date.

Please practise singing the Total Defence day and Chinese New Year songs at home. Also, practise the dance steps of the Chinese New Year songs too. We shall all perform as a school on that day. I'm sure you will have lots of fun practising the dance. You can involve your parents, siblings and even grandparents in practising for it. By the way, your grandparents are invited for the celebrations in school. You would have received a letter today about it. Who knows, your grandparent might be the best performer of the dance on that day!

Click on the link on the right to access Endeavour Primary's music blog for the lyrics, audio clip and video clips of the songs.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mistake in marking of English Quiz 1

Dear parents,

My sincerest apologies for making a mistake in the marking of the English Quiz 1 for question 4.
The following is the question from the worksheet.

4. My sister and I ____________ the same pencil case.

(1) has

(2) is

(3) are

(4) have

The correct answer is: "(4) have". I had marked: "(1) has" as correct. I'm very sorry to everyone for the confusion the oversight has caused.

I will re-mark that question and award the marks accordingly.

Thank you all for your kind understanding.