Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sandwich making for 'The hungry giant'

Hi all,

Recently, the class made sandwiches as part of our English lesson on 'The hungry giant'. After making the sandwiches, they wrote about the process of making it, first as groups, then individually.

The children had a fun time making sandwiches. Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

YOG celebrations: Lyo and Merly in EDP

Hi all,

Lyo and Merly came to our school for the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Biggest Wave Cheering Event on 16 July 2010. After the event, pupils completed Reflection Forms that included representing Singapore in the Olympics in a game of their choice. Pupils could draw or write on the form which was entitled "Singtel inspires those who dare to dream big". A couple of athletes from YOG also came down to share with the students on their training schedules and Olympic dreams.

Watch out for the 'Cheer the Flame event' coming up on Wednesday, 11 August 2010. More details will be released closer to the date.

Enjoy the pictures.

The MC, Soo Kui Jien, with a rhythmic gymnast

Lyo and Merly

Lyo and Merly arriving in our school hall

The very excited class of 1G

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Amendments in Spelling List (Term 3)

Hi all,

There are some amendments that need to be made in the Spelling List for Term 3.

Next Monday's spelling is on 'King's Cake'. The date of the Spelling should be 19 July 2010, not 19 August 2010.

Also, there are 11 spelling words on that list. Please cancel the word 'cook'. The rest of the 10 words will be tested.

Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Practice for Rainbow Day

Dear all,

Here is a video of 5 students from the class performing to the song Sambalele. I have put it up here for the class to practise the dance steps at home. 1G will be performing this dance on stage for Rainbow Day, which is on 21 July 2010. The song is from their Music Book.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Visit to Woodlands Regional Library

Dear all,

The students went to the Woodlands Regional Library yesterday. There was a story-telling session lined up for them as well as some time to browse through the books and AV collection at the library. The children had fun going to the library!

Sakae Sushi assembly talk

Hi all,

Last week, the children recieved a talk from Sakae Sushi during assembly on healthy living. They were taught on how to choose healthier food, having enough rest and exercising. All the kids enjoyed the talk.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Early dimissal on Friday 9/7/10

Hi all,

School will end early this Friday, 9/7/10, at 9.45am due to teachers' and students' involvement in the school's Official Opening ceremony. As such, there will be no recess on that day.

There will be Fitness Friday so please come dressed in PE attire.

The school buses will pick up those taking the school bus at 9.45am. For the rest, they will be dismissed from the various gates at that time. Please make arrangements to fetch them.

Modular CCA - Every Tuesday

Dear all,

The Modular CCA for 1G started today. The schedule for it is as follows:

Every Tuesday
Time: 1.45-3.45pm
Art : 6/7, 13/7
Music : 20/7, 27/7
ICT : 03/8, 17/8
Rope Skipping : 24/8, 31/8

Students are required to be in their PE attire for the CCA. They can wear the PE attire from home and have it on all day.
Students are required to bring an apron and rag for the Art modular CCA only.

Lunch is provided for them before the CCA begins from 1.15-1.45pm. Students are required to eat it in class. Thank you to all parents for paying the money for the lunch, $8, punctually.

The school bus will fetch those who take the school bus at 3.45pm, after the CCA. There is no need for parents of these children to make separate arrangements to fetch them. For the rest, parents would need to make arrangements to pick them up at 3.45pm from the various school gates.

I hope your child enjoys the Modular CCAs the school has planned for him/her.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Welcome back!

Dear all,

Welcome back to Term 3!

The school will be celebrating our Official Opening next Friday and all the staff and some pupils are busy preparing for it.

For the Art Modular CCA, the pupils will need to wear an apron and bring a rag. Therefore, please bring an apron and a rag to school on Tuesday, 6/7/2010. The apron was on the booklist for P1. If you don't have an apron, bring along a slightly bigger T-shirt to wear instead.

Thank you.