Friday, March 26, 2010

Issuance of School Smart Cards on 26 March 2010

Dear parents,

Your child has been issued with a School Smart card or the EZ-link card and a short note from Transitlink about it today. Please sign in your child's student handbook as proof that you have recieved your child's card.

Kindly help to check that your child's details are printed correctly on the card.

To help to safeguard loss of the card, the school has allowed your child to use a photocopied version of the card to borrow books from the school library. Your child need not bring the actual card to the library to borrow books. Help him/her to photocopy it and let him/her bring the photocopy to school.

Collect empty toilet rolls

Hi all,

Collect empty toilet rolls for Earth Hour celebration in school. Each class that collects at least 60 rolls will receive a prize for every student in the class. The Green Monitors in the class will collect the toilet rolls from you on Monday, 29.3.10. You have up till Monday, 5.4.10 to collect as many rolls as you can.

Let's persevere and collect as much as we can!


Welcome to Term 2

Dear all,

Welcome back to school for Term 2. I can see that many of you have settled down well in the school and are able to meet the expectations of the school for the Primary 1 children. For those who have yet to settle in to primary school life, here are some reminders:

- Hand in forms and homework on time. Do the homework properly.
Example: For story writing in the Jotter Book, please leave a line when writing.

- Come to school early for silent reading in the morning. Bring an interesting story book to read.
Example: Come to school around 7.15am.

- Come up to the hall on time after recess. Sing the recess song.
Example: The moment the first bell rings after recess, come up to the hall.

- If you wish to consume sweet drinks, only drink them in the canteen during recess.
Example: Water bottles in the classroom should only be filled with plain water. No sweet drinks are allowed in the classroom.

- Respect others.
Example: Ask permission before taking things from your classmates. Remember to raise your hand in class when you want to say something. Pay attention in class. Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.

- Bring enough pocket money for recess.
Example: Nobody should borrow or take money from other children in the school. If you need help, ask someone at the school office for help.

Term 2 will also see the Primary 1 students taking examinations in the school for the first time, the Semestral Assessment 1. This will be held some time in May. Details of the exam will be released nearer to the date. Study hard and do well in your exams.

Let's look forward to a great Term 2 together!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Results of Maths CA1

Dear all,

I have returned the Maths CA1 paper to the children today. They are to bring it home and ask their parents to sign it, below the marks. I have gone through the corrections for each of the questions in class. Your child should be able to complete his/her corrections at home.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Materials returned in preparation for Maths CA1

Dear parents,

I have returned to your child two things to help you to revise with him/her for the upcoming Maths test. He/she will be bringing home the Maths Workbook 1A Part 1 and Maths file. The Maths file is to be returned back on Wednesday, after the Maths test.

The Workbook 1A Part 1 need not be returned back to me anymore. You can keep it at home and it can be used for revision for future tests and exams. However, if your child still has corrections in that book which he/she has not done or did wrongly, I would have folded the pages in the book where the corrections need to be done. Please help him/her to complete them and hand the book in to me on Wednesday, after the test.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A typing game

Hi all,

I have included, on the right, a link to an online typing game. It will help your child to improve his/her touch typing skills as he/she types out the words. It also helps to improve your child's spelling skills.

Have fun trying!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Maths test to be conducted next week

Dear parents,

While I will not announce small tests and quizzes that are done after every two units, I will announce about the next Maths test coming up. It's the Continual Assessment 1 (CA1) from the Maths Test 1 book. This is because the CA1 encompasses the students' learning of the concepts taught from the start of the year. The marks from the test will not contribute to the Semestral Assessment 1 marks.

Please revise with your child the following units for the test:
  • Numbers to 10
  • Number Bonds
  • Addition within 10
  • Subtraction within 10

I will conduct the test on Wednesday, 10 March 2010. Thank you parents for your support.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spelling 7 Week 9

Hi all,

Here is the order of the words I read out for spelling today.

1. silver
2. bulldozer
3. yellow
4. vintage car
5. blue
6. motor bike
7. green
8. fire engine
9. orange
10. helicopter

Means of checking your child's performance in school

Dear parents,

I'm sure all of you are concerned about how your child is faring in class in terms of his/her English and Maths mastery. Let me assure you that we conduct regular quizzes to check on your child's progress in the subjects. After every two topics covered in class, students will sit for a short quiz based on the two topics. Parents will sign the quiz papers once I have marked them and passed them back to the students. These quizzes are then filed in the English and Maths files respectively.

For example, the students did English quiz 1 for Unit 1 Farm Concert and Unit 2 Mrs Wishy-Washy, which they brought home for parents to sign after I had marked it.

For Maths, the quizzes are found in the Maths Test 1 book. After completing Unit 1 Numbers to 10 and Unit 2 Number Bonds, the students did Maths Test 1. This was also brought home and signed by parents.

When signing the quiz papers, please check the areas of improvement for your child and guide your child in areas he/she may need more help in. As these are short quizzes held to check your child's understanding of the topics taught in class, I will not let parents know in advance about when the quizzes will be conducted. Students should already have mastered the basic concepts tested and be able to answer the questions without preparations by parents beforehand at home. I also would not want the children to be stressed out by these quizzes by having them go through much preparation at home before sitting for them. The marks from these quizzes do not count towards the marks that will be entered in the report book. Marks entered in report book will be based solely on Mid-Year and Final Year exam papers.

Furthermore, your child will also bring home the English worksheets done in class for parents to sign once the worksheets are completed. I have also asked them to bring the Maths workbook home today to complete their corrections and for parents to sign on the last page. Please look through their work done and help to coach your child more in the areas he/she may be weak in.