Monday, March 1, 2010

Means of checking your child's performance in school

Dear parents,

I'm sure all of you are concerned about how your child is faring in class in terms of his/her English and Maths mastery. Let me assure you that we conduct regular quizzes to check on your child's progress in the subjects. After every two topics covered in class, students will sit for a short quiz based on the two topics. Parents will sign the quiz papers once I have marked them and passed them back to the students. These quizzes are then filed in the English and Maths files respectively.

For example, the students did English quiz 1 for Unit 1 Farm Concert and Unit 2 Mrs Wishy-Washy, which they brought home for parents to sign after I had marked it.

For Maths, the quizzes are found in the Maths Test 1 book. After completing Unit 1 Numbers to 10 and Unit 2 Number Bonds, the students did Maths Test 1. This was also brought home and signed by parents.

When signing the quiz papers, please check the areas of improvement for your child and guide your child in areas he/she may need more help in. As these are short quizzes held to check your child's understanding of the topics taught in class, I will not let parents know in advance about when the quizzes will be conducted. Students should already have mastered the basic concepts tested and be able to answer the questions without preparations by parents beforehand at home. I also would not want the children to be stressed out by these quizzes by having them go through much preparation at home before sitting for them. The marks from these quizzes do not count towards the marks that will be entered in the report book. Marks entered in report book will be based solely on Mid-Year and Final Year exam papers.

Furthermore, your child will also bring home the English worksheets done in class for parents to sign once the worksheets are completed. I have also asked them to bring the Maths workbook home today to complete their corrections and for parents to sign on the last page. Please look through their work done and help to coach your child more in the areas he/she may be weak in.

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