Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome to Term 2

Dear all,

Welcome back to school for Term 2. I can see that many of you have settled down well in the school and are able to meet the expectations of the school for the Primary 1 children. For those who have yet to settle in to primary school life, here are some reminders:

- Hand in forms and homework on time. Do the homework properly.
Example: For story writing in the Jotter Book, please leave a line when writing.

- Come to school early for silent reading in the morning. Bring an interesting story book to read.
Example: Come to school around 7.15am.

- Come up to the hall on time after recess. Sing the recess song.
Example: The moment the first bell rings after recess, come up to the hall.

- If you wish to consume sweet drinks, only drink them in the canteen during recess.
Example: Water bottles in the classroom should only be filled with plain water. No sweet drinks are allowed in the classroom.

- Respect others.
Example: Ask permission before taking things from your classmates. Remember to raise your hand in class when you want to say something. Pay attention in class. Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.

- Bring enough pocket money for recess.
Example: Nobody should borrow or take money from other children in the school. If you need help, ask someone at the school office for help.

Term 2 will also see the Primary 1 students taking examinations in the school for the first time, the Semestral Assessment 1. This will be held some time in May. Details of the exam will be released nearer to the date. Study hard and do well in your exams.

Let's look forward to a great Term 2 together!

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